Benjamin Lieb, professional Engineering Manager, Software Engineer, with Startup experience, Graphic Design Chops, and years of professional experience honing skills in Communication, Collaboration, Mentorship, Team Process development, and Project Leadership.

The Development Process From Start to Finish

Working with Pixel Earth is easy and efficient. My development process has been polished smooth by the experience of hundreds of projects. Below is a general overview of the order of steps to expect in the process of getting your website project off the ground and into the air.

Pre-Development Phase

  1. Client contacts Pixel Earth Technologies (PET)
  2. Client fills out PET's needs assessment
  3. Free consultation (conversation by phone or in person if possible)
  4. Client takes time to determine interest
  5. Client creates a detailed Project Specification ('spec') if not done already.
  6. PET drafts a Project Proposal and Cost Estimate, with a detailed breakdown of tasks comprising the project, as indicated by the needs assessment, project spec, and as discussed in the initial consultation
  7. Client approves Project Proposal and Cost Estimate
  8. PET drafts a binding contract, with appended Project Proposal stating the responsibilities of both PET and Client, to be signed by PET and Client
  9. Client makes a deposit on estimated total cost of project

Development Phase

  1. Client gathers & sends material for the site or project (a task not to be underestimated)
  2. PET begins development of site layout, and identity graphics maintaining a regular feedback loop with Client
  3. Based on feedback and open dialogue, PET develops, navigation, information architecture, and applications
  4. Site content is added
  5. Depending on the size of the project, one or more mid-project payments are made

Post-Development Phase

  1. When contract responsibilities are met, final payment is made
  2. Internet Marketing and a targeted SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are discussed as a recommended project extension or new phase of development
  3. Provisions for maintenance, or further development are discussed